short films.


brief: create a film that takes the main character(s) into, through, and out of a situation.

solution: a short film about a young woman with the desire to eat her lunch in peace. (I don’t want to spoil how this solves the problem.)

credit: original styling, editing, art directing, and acting by jennifer wexler. filmed by james bizzell.


brief: create a film about a social cause.

solution: an animated short film to bring awareness to the devastating impact deforestation has on wildlife worldwide.

credit: animated and conceptualized with Josh Fallon.

award: graphis new talent: gold

sizzle reel.

brief: create a reel of internship projects for accuweather to help convince higher ups to hire me fulltime as a UI designer.

solution: showcase internship projects, such as concept art, animatics, and animated icons, with unique transitions from concept to execution.

result: I got the job.


brief: short film that Tells a story through a split screen.

solution: a short film about a giant's endless search and a girl's great escape. each part of the split screen shows each character’s perspective.

credit: original concept development, art direction, styling, filming, acting, and editing were collaborated with jenna brillhart.



